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  _MIK1530.jpg - We were on our way out to shoot sunset during our last night when we spotted these 3 Zebra doves perched on the courtyard arbor.  I doubt they noticed the beautiful rainbow over their heads, but we couldn't miss it!  The Zebra dove is also known as the Barred ground dove, and was introduced to Hawaii in 1922.  We witnessed the male courtship display on several occasions.  

We were on our way out to shoot sunset during our last night when we spotted these 3 Zebra doves perched on the courtyard arbor. I doubt they noticed the beautiful rainbow over their heads, but we couldn't miss it! The Zebra dove is also known as the Barred ground dove, and was introduced to Hawaii in 1922. We witnessed the male courtship display on several occasions. | _MIK1530.jpg
Photographer: J. M. Sowle | Camera: NIKON D300S | Date: 10/8/09 5:39 PM | ISO: 400 | Exp. Time: 1/400s | Aperture: 6.3 | Focal Length: 170.0mm | Lens: 70.0-200.0 mm f/2.8
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