Bacterial Plaques in a thermal spring off the Grand Loop Road north of Norris Geyser Basin. The Green and Browns are thermophiles (heat loving bacteria usually) that live in water as hot as 167F (75C) The green in the center are in the hottest area of the thermal spring, the cooler areas are orange, rust or brown. | 2010_09_26_Yellowstone-10150-Edit750.jpg |
Photographer: Hali J. Sowle | Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark II | Date: 9/26/10 4:35 PM | ISO: 200 | Exp. Mode: Aperture priority | Exp. Time: 1/200s | Aperture: 9.0 | Focal Length: 35.0mm |
Total images: 107 | Last update: 1/1/11 12:04 AM | Email Mike | Email Hali | Help |